Day 127 | Finding the Higher Gear

This week I had an amazing, game changing workout.  I went to the boot camp class and felt strong throughout the class.  We did sprints in the parking lot between sets.  About 3/4 of the way through the class, I thought I was done.  I jogged the sprint and really felt like I had given my all and was empty.

Then someone challenged me.  On the last sprint of the night,  a friend of mine who runs twice as fast as me egged me on to keep up.  We ran across the parking lot and I was able to keep up.  On the way back, I started racing him.  I somehow found the next level, that higher gear that I didn’t think I had.  I was amazed.  I smiled through the last few minutes of class.

On the drive home, I thought that I wanted to go for a run when I got home.  I felt like I still had more in me.

In the middle of class, I thought I was done, but then I had more, and perhaps, I had even a little bit more than that…

Today I spent the afternoon weeding the garden.  I spent at least two hours weeding, planting, shoveling and wheelbarrowing (is that a word) dirt across the yard.  Fitday claims I burned 528 calories in those two hours.  I think that sounds about right.