Day 51 | Do Squats Improve Running Speed?

I haven’t run into two days. But I am wondering if squats improve running speed. I did a circuit training class on Wednesday and have been extremely sore the last two days. In the class, we spent the first 10 or 15 minutes doing squats and reverse lunges. Walking squats and reverse lunges. Then more squats and lunges. It went on forever.

Today I can barely walk. So, I didn’t go for a run today. I hope to get back to it tomorrow and do a long run in the morning. After all, this blog is about weight loss and running, so I need to be running.

However, I feel that the circuit training class is helping my running. I seem to be getting faster. I don’t know if it’s because the interval nature of the class is improving my cardio or if all the squatting and lunging is making my legs stronger. Or if I’m just getting in better shape in general. But what ever it is, I’ve been running a bit faster lately. And I don’t just think it’s because I’m running more. I feel stronger.

So even though my quads are screaming at me today, I’m going to keep doing those squats!

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