Day 91 | Running to Relieve Stress

Today was a good example for me of how effective running is for relieving stress.  I was having a busy day but I still got out at lunch and went for a run.  I was using my blackberry to keep track of my time.  I was curious how fast I ran my first mile, so I stopped to look at the time.

I made the mistake of noticing that I had an email, and I took a moment to read it.  It was a very disrespectful email from a subcontractor who didn’t seem to understand that my company is in fact his client and pay his bills.

I turned around to head back to my office because this was a problem that had to be dealt with immediately.  I was upset and stressed when I turned around to run the mile back.

I found that running really helped put it all into perspective and took the edge off of the situation.  By the time I got back to the office,  I was much calmer and was actually able to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

Running, or any intense exercise does so much more than just burn calories.   It helps create a euphoria that puts the little annoyances and stresses of life in perspective.   If you are feeling stressed out, make sure to take the time to work out.  Even if you think you don’t have time.  Make the time.